Joe Haldeman - vertaling naar frans
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Joe Haldeman - vertaling naar frans

Joe Haldemann; Attar the Merman; Gay Haldeman; Joe William Haldeman; Joe Holdeman

Joe Haldeman         
Joe Haldeman (born 1943), famous U.S. science fiction writer


·adj Destitute of shoes.


Joe Haldeman

Joe William Haldeman (born June 9, 1943) is an American science fiction author. He is best known for his novel The Forever War (1974). That novel and other works, including The Hemingway Hoax (1991) and Forever Peace (1997), have won science fiction awards, including the Hugo Award and Nebula Award. He was awarded the SFWA Grand Master for career achievements. In 2012 he was inducted as a member of the Science Fiction Hall of Fame. Many of Haldeman's works, including his debut novel War Year and his second novel The Forever War, were inspired by his experiences in the Vietnam War. Wounded in combat, he struggled to adjust to civilian life after returning home. From 1983 to 2014, he was a professor teaching writing at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor Joe Haldeman
1. and the modern stuff, Joe Haldeman, one of my favorites.
Corey _ Talks at Google
2. before you come in. I know my friend, Joe Haldeman, used to get
Mariposa _ Greg Bear _ Talks at Google